The Coffee Connoisseur
I've seen this old man around Purvis street for a while now. He sleeps in his trishaw night after night and is probably without a proper home. You can find him at his favorite spot just besides the turn at Raffles Hotel.
* Side-note: Going up approaching someone off the streets for cutline info is probably one of the things i've taken a while to get used to. I guess people are generally wary when you're not exactly on "official capacity" shooting for a paper. Even when you are, it still takes some getting used to. In my observation, Singaporeans are quite the conservative lot and would rather not be in the centre of attention if they can help it.
So for now, doing it the Henri-Cartier Bresson way seems to work just fine for me. You move in close, find the decisive moment and before people can notice, you're already well on your way.
Labels: joel boh, picturestory
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